B-Gifted Foundation

Creativity and Technology to Address Human Rights, Enhance Peace and Sustainable Development  

Our human compassion binds us the one to the other -- not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. - Nelson Mandela

Welcome B-Gifted Foundation 

Keeping Dad Benson's Legacy Alive!

(Benson -Greene International Foundation Towards Enhancing Development) was named in honour of the Founder's 10+ years experience in the non-profit sector in assisting young victims of war. The foundation was also named in honor and in memorial of his Dad Andrew Benson Greene Snr, who bears the same name.


September 2015. UN International Day of Peace and Sustainable Development Goals. New York.


The Plus Of Our Foundation is Peace and Sustainable Development which is
At the Heartbeat of Sierra Leone's Development Agenda  

 B-Gifted was represented by Maxwell Adew and Andrew Benson Greene at the United Nations International Day of Peace in New York September 2015

"The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21 each year to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end conflict and promote peace. The International Day of Peace is also a day of ceasefire – personal or political."

UN International Day of Peace

The dove is a symbol often associated with the International Day of Peace.

©iStockphoto.com/Sue McDonald

What Do People Do?

On the International Day of Peace, also known as Peace Day, people around the world take part in various activities and organize events centered on the theme “peace”. Events vary from private gatherings to public concerts and forums involving large audiences. Activities.


B-Gifted Founder Andrew with Deborah Meldow at the UN International Day of Peace 2015 NY, USA.

AT B-GIFTED we lay the foundation such that people who were hit by several years of war and violence and now (Ebola), can atone for those years and rebuild their lives. Development Cooperation is not a panacea. It cannot replace efforts by the partners themselves, as sometimes aid is ineffective. However, there is no alternative, because the many positive results give hope, and hope gives people a future for their lives, rights as humans to live and their human dignity. Poverty and need have many causes. These include structural weakness, as well as natural disasters and wars. We also reckon that where there are large poverty gaps, there is a greater risk of conflicts.   B-Gifted with partners in the west create the preconditions essential to sustainable, forward looking development. We should also lay the foundation on which people who have been impacted by war and poverty can rebuild their future.  

 At the Peace Alliance Event in October 2015, Washington DC, B-Gifted Founder walked The Hills of Capitol with other peace builders to make sure important Peacebuilding programs will be fully supported funded in 2015. Acting for Genocide Prevention and Mass  Atrocities  Act, as well as the Youth Promise Act

Participants at the Peace Alliance, 'Be the Movement' Conference,10 Thomas Circle, Washington Plaza Hotel in DC, October 2015.


Andrew Benson Greene (left) and Sarika Jain (close by) at the World Bank 'Building a Culture of Peace and Non Violence for Children of the World'  in Washington DC in 2005 


Andrew and other Sauve Scholars visited the United States Institute of Peace in DC 2005, with Jim Wright Founding Director of Jeanne Sauve Foundation 


© 2009 - 2013 B-Gifted Foundation Sierra Leone